Foods that are free of everything ... except what is good for you. Pasta, breads, cookies, muffins, cakes, pies, pizzas, crackers and dips, chocolate and sweets, breakfast cereals ... If you are gluten intolerant or suffer from celiac disease, or you believe that these delicious foods that everyone tasting are forbidden. Well no! We have a large selection of gluten-free gourmet products, carefully selected. If you prefer to prepare your own meals, there is also a whole range of gluten-free ingredients to choose from and discover. Our qualified staff, in store 7 days a week, will be happy to guide you and present you the availability of products, their utilities, and discuss your tastes and individual needs. It is also easy for you to identify gluten-free products at Biotope since everything is clear and well indicated. Follow the yellow tags! Are other foods causing you discomfort? At Biotope, you are in the right place. You will find health substitutes for: sugar, meat, dairy products, etc., and thus improve your quality of life.