A lifestyle that is more respectful of the environment, your health and the people around you. Why eat organic? When we buy an organic product, we know that it has been grown without pesticides and has not been transformed with respect for our environment, that its quality has been controlled, that it has helped to create jobs, and that those who have it taken it to heart did it first and foremost for pleasure and love of their job. In addition, if this product is local and seasonal, we know that its transport and its cultivation have not generated unnecessary energy consumption. Organic consumption is a philosophy of common sense for the good of ourselves, our planet, and future generations.


What is organic farming?
Organic farming is a humane, biodiversity-friendly production method based on harmony between soils and crops. It has 3 complementary objectives:
- preserve the natural balance of the environment
- ensure a fair income for producers
- maintain the diversity and life of rural areas


Its fundamental principle is to work WITH nature, relying on a few key ideas:
- The soil is a living environment
- Biodiversity is a source of balance and wealth
- A farm is an ecosystem in which man is integrated.
- Alternative methods are used, such as crop rotation, manual weeding, recycling of organic matter or biological control.


Which regulations for which guarantees?
Organic farming follows strict rules defined by official specifications and are regulated as follows: conversion of farms, production and breeding, processing, labeling and import of products, control system, etc. For example, the use of synthetic chemicals and GMOs is prohibited. At least once a year, controls of accredited and independent certifying bodies ensure compliance with these rules. For more information, visit the CARTV website:


How to recognize an organic product?
Different labels are affixed to organic products. In Quebec, in order to be able to use the term "organic" for labeling, the professional operator (producer, processor, distributor) must notify its activity to the public authorities and be submitted for the whole of its activity to the paid control of an independent certifying body recognized by the CARTV or the CFIA. The certifiers accredited by the CARTV (products from Quebec) are: Ecocert Canada, LETIS S.A., OCIA, Quebec-True, Pro-Cert and QAI. Those accredited by the CFIA (Canadian or foreign certified organic products), are listed in the following link:


What's the difference on your plate?

Organic production methods are respectful of the nutritional qualities of the food, which is as close as possible to its natural state, the least refined, deodorized, and sweetened. Organic farming gives back the taste of authentic flavors, like that of the fruits picked at maturity. In addition, the biological fight against uniformity such as the cultivated varieties of forgotten fruits and vegetables, selected for their tastes and their nutritional values such as Jerusalem artichokes, parsnip, etc. A colorful plate of variety, and a delight for your taste buds!